This is one of those questions that people ask me all the time. It’s not a trick question, it’s a real question, and the answer is a definite yes. So, when you are considering how tall you should be, you should consider what your goals are in life.
People often don’t want to give a direct answer to this question. So they often resort to comparing different people to this question. The average person doesn’t really know what the answer is.
I dont think that there is any universal answer to this, but what I have found is that the answer is usually in the middle. The average person would probably like to be 6’2″ and weigh around 200lbs. The average person would probably like to be 5’9″ and weigh around 160lbs.
So if you could get to the middle, you would most likely be pretty happy. So maybe you dont have to worry about losing that extra 10lbs or so, but you are also likely to be a lot stronger. So if you have a really strong body, it could also help to increase the strength of your mind.
If you’re planning on getting taller, you know what you need to do. The average person needs to add about 30lbs to their average height to get the same result. So if you’re not 6’2″ and you’re not 7’0″ you’re going to get to your goal.
The problem with getting taller is that you are likely to be more likely to put off those extra pounds. In the last 40 years, the average male has put on the same amount of weight he used to lose, on average. That means they are likely to put on more weight than their friends. So unless you want to do your friend a favor and lose weight together, your height may be a hindrance to you.
The problem with height is twofold. First, it is usually the most important factor in determining your success. The average person has a height of 5′ 9″, so it is almost inevitable that they will be taller than the average person. But that difference is not insignificant. If you work out and lose weight together, your height is not a hindrance to you. But if you are in the same group and you have the same weight and your friend does not, it is.
The second problem with height is that it makes a man look smaller and a woman look more petite. A man with a 6’5″ frame is about the right height for his height, but a woman with a 5’5″ frame is not. A man who is 5’5″ should be proud of himself, but a woman with a 5’5″ frame should be ashamed.
The most important part of your height is the weight. When you lose weight, the effect is the reverse. A person whose body fat is over 10% is, on average, about the same size as a person who is 10% over. That’s why, when a skinny person is asked if he is 5’8”, he will say he is 5’9” when it is more likely that he is 5’10.
The most important part of your height is your weight. When you loose weight, the effects are reversed. A person whose body fat is below 10 is, on average, the same size as a person who is 10 over. Thats why, when a fat person is asked if he is 62, he will say he is 59 when it is more likely that he is 533.