I’m not saying life is easy, or that it is easy to make friends, or that the world isn’t hard, or that it is easy to get a boyfriend, or that life is the best thing ever. But I do think the reality and the beauty of the world is that there are always people who are willing to help and help you.
Like when you meet someone for the first time. You are so excited to see them, and you want to invite them over to your house for a cup of tea. Or maybe you and your boyfriend just happen to live just a few blocks from each other. It doesn’t matter, because you can have a conversation about anything and it’s never a problem.
I believe the reality of the world is that there are always people who are willing to help and help you. Like when you meet someone for the first time. You are so excited to see them, and you want to invite them over to your house for a cup of tea. Or maybe you and your boyfriend just happen to live just a few blocks from each other. It doesnt matter, because you can have a conversation about anything and its never a problem.
So yes, there are people out there who are willing to help you even if you’re not an immediate family member. But even if you are, you might be surprised how many of them are willing to help you if it means they get to meet a new member of their family.
Ive met some of these people and I don’t want to be one of those people. I dont want to be the guy who wants to call his mom and ask her to come to his house and fix his roof. I don’t want to be the guy who wants to show up at his friend’s house and start a fight. I don’t want to be the guy who wants to have a huge home-cooked meal, but then doesn’t show up.
In the new trailer, the Visionaries are the ones who’ve locked a large chunk of Blackreef up. The next day, they’re back. This time they’re all armed and dangerous.
They know they can get away with doing horrible things and no one will stop them. They know they can do anything they want and no one will stop them, so instead of waiting for the rest of us to stop them, they do it themselves. The trailer hints that they’re probably the same people that pulled a bomb attack on the Visionaries while they were sleeping, and everyone is dead except for the Visionaries.
While their leader, Colt Vahn, is a charming man, he’s not your average villain. He’s a very intelligent and highly skilled hacker who uses a lot of his skills to gain information about the Visionaries. He’s also a very selfish and arrogant individual, who believes that he has the right to do whatever he wants because he’s not accountable for his actions. He has a short temper and a cold heart and it shows in his actions.
The Visionaries are a group of people who have been locked in a constant cycle of repeating a day every six months. They have been locked away for the past few years as they are constantly dying. When the time is right, they will awake from their sleep to discover that they have been trapped in their own world, and are now a part of the most chaotic and deadly game the humans have ever seen. You can read more about the Visionaries in an article on Arkane’s website.
The Visionary cycle is actually a part of the larger cycle of the world. They are constantly changing, the more they change, the more the world changes. What this means for humans is that the cycle is constantly moving too fast for us to keep up with it. We are constantly running from one cycle to the next, one thing to the next. This means that we are constantly trying to keep up with and adapt to the cycle we’re living in.