I have yet to come up with a challenge that I truly couldn’t do. If I’m bored, if I’m tired, if I’m craving some kind of sugar or a specific flavor or a particular food, then I’m going to have to do something. I’m not going to be able to do that if I have to do it all the time.
There is a lot of debate going on about the best challenges out there. Personally, I think its hard to find a challenge that is truly impossible. The difference between not being able to do something and not being able to do anything at all is quite a bit. So I guess that’s a really good question.
I don’t see that as “not being able to do anything.” If I want to do a task that doesn’t require much skill or training, then I can do so. But if I want to do something that requires a lot of skill or training, then I will probably find something that is quite possibly harder.
I think its important to point out that being able to do one thing is not the same as being able to do other things. Some people can do things that you can do but are impossible in a given situation. For example, I can climb up a tree, but I can’t climb up the tree next to me. I don’t think that’s a real problem in that case. If I need to climb a tree, I’m pretty sure I’m capable of doing that.
That’s like telling someone they can’t hold a basketball in their hand because they can’t do one thing. This is where you put the challenge in the mind of the person doing the challenge. If you can, but they can’t, then you have the challenge in the mind of the person doing the challenge.
If you ask someone to climb a 20 foot tree, and they cant climb it, that’s a challenge. If you ask them to climb up a tree that happens to be 20 feet high, but you cant do it, that’s a challenge. The challenge is in the mind of the person doing the challenge.
That is a tough one. I would probably say that the only challenge a player can have is to not have any challenges. I would say that the only challenge a person can have is not to have any challenges.
No challenge is a challenge to the person doing the challenge. I know you can say that it’s all about the challenge, but that’s really not the case. The challenge is in the person doing the challenge.
But this challenge doesn’t really get any easier until the person doing the challenge realizes that the person challenging them is just as ignorant and clueless as they are. He has to actually put forth some effort and read the challenge.
I think the best way to combat this is to make people aware of the fact that the challenge (in the form of the person challenging them) can be beaten. Its more or less a “try harder” approach. It’s like saying “try harder to get out of the door, and then try harder to get out of the chair.