I’m no expert, but I’ve noticed that my kids have started to pick the yoga poses of their own accord. They also seem to have a heightened awareness of how we move, how we stand, and how we hold poses. For example, when I was teaching yoga at my studio, my three teenaged kids were always sitting with a partner or on their own.
This is a natural byproduct of an active lifestyle. In a yoga studio, most of the poses that I do for my student’s partners are very specific and require a lot of concentration that usually has the added bonus of increasing kids’ focus and attention span. Plus, the poses are usually challenging, so they also increase kids’ ability to concentrate on practicing.
I’ve been teaching children for over three decades. I feel like I’ve seen and done it all. The one thing that I find to be extremely valuable is just getting kids to focus. Even if they have little attention spans, I always say that they will be focused on these poses and not on anything else.
A lot of yoga teachers and instructors are very focused on how to get kids to focus, but that’s not always the case. Ive seen many a teacher talk about how the poses help them focus and how they are a great way to increase kids attention span. But Ive also seen many, many teachers talk about how the poses are just hard and painful, and that they are not effective at improving kids focus.
I think you have to ask yourself the same question. Are the poses for kids painful, or are they hard? If it’s the latter, you could argue that the poses are actually ineffective at improving childrens focus. In fact, some teachers even go to lengths to discourage kids from doing the poses.
I know that the poses are hard and painful for teachers because I’ve been one of them. I don’t think there is anything wrong with the poses, but there are many reasons why kids might not be able to do them.
In fact, some teachers have been doing yoga poses for decades. Many teachers and teachers’ groups are made up of people who work with children. Ive been doing yoga for many years, and I can tell you that the poses for kids are actually quite difficult for some people to do.
One of the most common reasons that kids don’t do the poses is because the poses are hard on the muscles. The back of the shoulders, the chest, and the back of the arms have to be in a certain position to do the poses. Not everyone is as strong as another person, and not every person is as strong as you. A person’s strength is affected by how much they spend exercising and how much they eat/drink.
Also, most kids can’t do the poses because they can’t really breathe correctly. The most important thing to remember is that a person’s strength is directly proportional to a person’s endurance. If you have weak muscles, you’re going to be weaker. The pose also has to be challenging enough so that you can’t just do it for the sake of it. I always tell my kids, “If you have to do this pose for your life, then you are no longer a kid.
And as for the poses, my kids can really do the poses. They are great, and their teachers (my mom and dad) are always telling them to try them.