I know the idea of a self-aware person probably sounds pretty ridiculous, but it’s true! Our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors are controlled mostly by our thoughts and emotions. It’s like we are the animals. We are animals. We are not aware of what we are doing and why we are doing it, so we will often do things we know aren’t good for our health.
So the question is, are we just animals, or are we conscious? If we are animals, then we are not aware of what we are doing and why we are doing it. If we are conscious, then we should realize that we are doing something that is not good for our health.
This is an important question. We are so used to being told what we are doing is good that we forget that we are doing something that is bad for our health. I find this especially true on the internet, where the majority of people are so oblivious to what they are doing that they have no idea if they are doing it wrong.
Of course, we are not being told that we are doing something wrong. We are being told that we are doing something that is not good for our health. But we are not being told that this is bad for our health. The internet is filled with people doing things that are considered bad for their health. Like going online and downloading something that causes a seizure. Or people who are addicted to drugs. Or people who are sexually promiscuous. Or people who are obese.
There are a lot of reasons why people do things that are considered bad for their health. Some of them are really dumb. You could argue that people who drink a lot of alcohol because it makes them feel more relaxed or enjoy the feeling of being more relaxed. Or people who smoke because it makes them feel more relaxed. Or people who eat too much because it makes them feel more relaxed. It’s just that it’s a really dumb reason.
The problem with most of those kinds of reasons is that they don’t explain why a bad thing happened to them. But the fact is that a lot of people who are bad at something that they have no control over go on drugs (or alcohol or smoke or overeat because they don’t have control). There’s a reason they’re doing it, and it’s not because they love to do it or they think it’s cool.
Some people simply overeat because theyre lazy. Some people smoke for the wrong reason. Some people smoke because theyre lazy and the only way to get a fix is to smoke. Some people overeat for the wrong reason. It’s all about what works for you.
I have a hard time believing either of these things are true. Sure, some things in life are out of our control, but most things in life are completely out of our control. That’s the whole purpose of a free will.
Ok, so lets talk about some of the things that we can’t control. Most people are afraid to go out to eat. Sure, we can cook, but its a lot harder than just eating out of boredom. No one likes to eat out of boredom. If you try it, you have to eat. Its the most basic of needs.
Well, lets not talk about eating out of boredom. Lets talk about food as a thing we can control. Sure, we can control what we take into our bodies, but we can also control what we put in our bodies. Sure, some foods have no calories at all. Sure, some foods take a lot of time and are incredibly high in calories. Sure, some foods are extremely delicious, but even then we still have control over what we eat.