This is a picture from an episode of Modern Family where a man comes home from work and tells his wife, “I’m in Chinese.” He then proceeds to put together a meal that he and his wife will eat later, and they eat it, and they don’t even notice.
Chinese food is a well-known thing for us in North America too, but it’s not something you’d think of in a typical sitcom, so seeing it on a sitcom is a bit of a surprise. The sitcom was just trying to lighten the mood, so they had to take it a little farce.
It’s more of an episode of Modern Family than an actual Chinese restaurant. The husband comes home from work, and the wife cooks some Chinese food and they don’t even notice. It’s just a bit of a gag in that it’s not real Chinese food, but it’s something they would have eaten at home. It’s also a good gag because it shows us that sometimes we can miss out on great food because we don’t think of it at the time.
I’m not sure if the Chinese restaurant gag is intentional, but it does show that even in the most mundane of situations we can miss out on the great food we really should be eating. Sometimes the most fun thing to do is to just grab something and eat it and not worry about the calories, but thats the great thing about food.
Now we can all agree that eating something that resembles a Chinese restaurant isn’t a bad thing. The problem is that there are a lot of things out there that are similar to the stuff you get at a Chinese restaurant, but way more calorie-laden. There’s a reason why there’s an “eat-anything-without-thinking-about-it” section on your grocery list.
The problem is that these foods all have calories, but in most cases, they are far too much for the calorie count. I’m not saying they are bad, just that there are a lot of things out there that are similar to a Chinese restaurant (or any restaurant) in the sense that they’re loaded with calories, but that they arent really worth it.
Thats just my opinion though, and I’m sure you can think of plenty of other reasons why you might be eating these unhealthy foods. It’s not that you don’t like them, its just that you are trying to get your body to burn as many calories as its going to, its just a fact of life.
So Ive got a friend who eats Chinese food every day, and he is a man who eats a lot of it, and it is one of the best meals in the world. He’s a guy who does not need to drink a lot of water to get his weight down, can eat as much as he wants (he eats like 5 a day) and has a wife who is also not drinking a lot of water.
And while chinese food has become trendy in America, I think it is very healthy.
I don’t know if you’re aware of this or not, but Chinese food is actually a type of meat. The difference is that meat is a protein that comes from animals and fish, whereas chicken and fish are vegetables. It is therefore much more difficult to get fat from, it is therefore much more likely to cause your weight to go down.