Although it is a common belief, it is most certainly false. Chinese food in the far east region is not really a common thing. For one thing, they make it almost impossible to get there, and for another, most of the food is very expensive. But what they do have to offer in terms of food is incredible – you can eat a lot of it in a short amount of time and still not get full.
The first time I ate at Far East Cuisine, I remember thinking, “This place is like the most boring restaurant in the world.” But it turns out that that was just the beginning of the worst meal I’ve ever had. After eating two bowls of the yum cha at around $12 each, our waitress then proceeded to place two small plates of rice with various sauces for about $9 each. After that, we had the most bizarre meal I’ve ever had.
The waitress brought our noodles and we each had a bowl of stir fried pork. The pork was not only very spicy, but also had some kind of strange sauce attached to it. Before I could even finish my plate, the waitress brought the same plate with the same sauce to another table where other people were also drinking. My plate was still full because I had just finished eating and I still had some sauce on the spoon.
This is completely normal. This is the best we have ever been able to do in our lives. And while it was a bad idea to eat on that big plate, it wasn’t even completely bad. We just tried to eat on the big plate without any reaction whatsoever.
I don’t understand why a restaurant in the middle of nowhere wouldn’t put the same menu on every table, because it’s a really great idea.
When I eat at restaurants, I just like to order whatever is on the menu and not have it be anything that I haven’t decided to order. I dont have a great set of standards for food, but I am not going to order something that I have no idea what it is. I have a list of things that I like to eat and I will usually order what I like, so I dont get stressed about it.
No one can really explain why this recipe is supposed to be a great idea, because I don’t even know what it is. What I am sure you have to go through is this: it’s just this thing that’s supposed to be a great idea: make some tasty pizza with that sauce on it.
To me, it’s just the recipe for pizza. It’s just a good pizza recipe that makes a great pizza. I don’t know why people get so upset about this. I dont know what it is. What I do know, is that a lot of people think that if you have a recipe for pizza that is so good that it tastes like it was made in heaven, then its awesome.
I would love to have a recipe for pizza that is so good. I dont know what its called.