“When your boss is an asshole, you can just pretend to be an asshole, right?” I’m afraid this is true. When my boss is an asshole, I have to pretend that I don’t. I can’t be an asshole and still keep my job.
Angry work out music is a weird thing to have to fake. I mean, it should be so easy to do, but it isn’t. It’s hard to really do when you’re angry and it’s really hard to pretend it when you’re angry, and you’re still actually angry. It’d be too easy to fake it, I guess.
I have to work out a lot when I dont want to. I know if I dont have to work out, I don’t have to do anything at all. I can just pretend that I dont and just do other things.
I am not a big fan of working out. Sure, it makes you feel good when it does, but I hate to be the person who has to have a “special workout” every day and then has to go to the gym. If I dont have to be on my feet for hours at a time, and if I dont have to get sweaty and tired, then I should be able to do other things that just dont require any effort.
I hate that I know this, but being “on my feet” is a lot harder than you make it sound. When you’re sitting down, your feet are resting on a solid surface. When you’re standing, your feet are still on a solid surface, but you’re not being forced to use your hands to make your feet move.
This is one of those things that we all need to work on getting a little better at, but it’s also one of the best things to give you an excuse to get up from your desk. If you exercise, you’re doing it right. If you sit and watch TV, you’re doing it wrong. Your body is telling you to move, so it’s not a bad idea to give it a little kick-start.
You’ve got to get used to being forced to use your hands. Sitting on your desk all day gives you a pretty good sense of how you should be moving your body, and then when you get to the office, your body is telling you to use your hands. Its not a bad idea to get used to being forced to use your hands, but it will definitely improve your ability to concentrate on your work.
Do not get used to feeling like a piece of useless junk, youre better off focusing on being a piece of useful junk. Don’t let your body tell you what to do, and do not let your desk tell you what to do.
This might be a good idea… if you can’t get your hands to actually work.
I think there is a good reason why many people hate their bodies. I think it is because they dont like being forced to use their bodies. Sometimes it is better to get used to it, and the rest of the time, its better to just ignore it.