The word “meditation” comes from the Sanskrit word “mantra,” which means “mysterious.” Meditation is an ancient practice that uses an inner voice to communicate with the mind without the use of verbal language. Meditation is often misunderstood as simply sitting with your thoughts in silence, but the word “meditation” actually means “to guide oneself.” Meditation is an easy, effective way to clear the mind, relieve stress, and clear your thoughts and emotions.
The goal of meditation is to calm your mind, so it becomes a quiet place where you can focus without distractions. There are a variety of meditation techniques that you can use to quiet and calm down. You can practice a deep breathing exercise, or you can focus on the sound of your breathing. There’s a plethora of meditation techniques that you can choose from. In my opinion, if you want a quiet, more meditative mind, I recommend the quiet time of the day.
I often find that after I’ve meditated for a while, I just lose myself in my thoughts. This is not good for me, so I find myself sitting down in a chair with my back to some books or paintings, and just staring at my computer screen. I find this quite relaxing.
I find myself getting up to meditate for a while, but then I usually just end up in my bed and fall asleep. This is great because I feel more refreshed when I wake up, so I usually wake up with a smile on my face and a “good morning” on my lips.
When I’m meditating with headphones it’s usually not so relaxing. I find it more of a torture session to listen to some deep meditation music. But I find that when I’m asleep I can have this really nice effect of being able to let myself drift off for a while, and then come back to reality. That’s always nice to me.
The fact that you can go deep into meditation while you are asleep is a really interesting phenomenon. Its definitely different from the standard state of mind where we just drift in and out. There is a time for our mind to go into high gear and think, “I want to do this,” and then go into a more dreamlike state. But when we are asleep, we don’t need to make decisions yet. We can just sit back and let our mind wander.
Thats what this video is about. By following the instructions on the meditating app I found I could bring my mind to a trance-like state while I was sleeping. I also found that the app could allow me to actually experience a lucid sleep. A lucid dream is a type of dream where you experience everything you want to from your dream state. This is a very cool thing to have in your dream state.
But let me get this straight: you can just “wake up” and go “Oh, yeah… I think I have all this in mind.
Yes, it’s true, but it’s also very cool and I plan to use this technique in the future. What you can do in a lucid dream is to experience what you want to experience from your dream state. But if you can’t control anything when you wake up, it’s still possible for you to experience whatever you want from your dream state.
This is called “energizing meditation” or “EE meditation” for short. Some people find it helpful in their sleep. But the reason I’m mentioning it here is because you can experience your dreams while awake. You can have that experience while you are sitting at your desk, or while you’re lying in bed. You can have that experience while you’re driving on the highway or while you’re walking across town.