This is my second favorite place to eat in the North Carolina Durham area. The food is amazing, a favorite spot for a nice meal, and the outdoor seating is great for those warm summer days.
The food is fantastic, and the food here is amazing. I don’t really have any complaints. The food here is also very well-run, the staff are friendly, and the prices are reasonable.
I love this place. The food is amazing, the staff are friendly, and the prices are reasonable.
This place is not only a favorite spot for a nice meal, but it also has outdoor seating, and it’s a great place for people to sit outside when they’re having a nice meal too.
The food here is amazing, and the staff are friendly, and the prices are reasonable.
Food lions Hillsborough is well decorated, clean, well kept, and has a friendly staff. I love this place. The food is amazing, and the staff are friendly, and the prices are reasonable. In Hillsborough, your food may be cooked to your tastes, and your food is also well-kept.
Food Lion Hillsborough, an upscale burger joint, is a great place for lunch or dinner. The food is awesome. The staff is friendly, the service is good, and the prices are reasonable. This place is great for the price, and it has a good staff.
Food Lion Hillsborough is a great place for the price, and it has a good staff. The food is awesome, and the staff is friendly, and the service is good. Food Lion Hillsborough, an upscale burger joint, is a great place for lunch or dinner. The food is awesome. The staff is friendly, the service is good, and the prices are reasonable. This place is great for the price, and it has a good staff.
The restaurant is also popular with the locals. The staff is good, and the prices are reasonable. The restaurant is great for the price, and it has a good staff.
The staff is friendly, the service is good, and the prices are reasonable. The restaurant is great for the price, and it has a good staff. The food is awesome, and the staff is friendly, and the service is good. This place is great for the price, and it has a good staff.