fry’s food and drug phoenix is the blog that serves as a resource for anyone interested in self-awareness and learning about food and drug addiction. This blog offers a mixture of food, drug, and personal stories. Topics cover topics such as food addiction, drug use, and self-care and self-awareness.
I mean, I just had my first pizza and my family had the same. It’s weird though because when I get my first pizza, I feel like I’m really just coming out of a fog. I can’t really tell if the food is really any good or if I’m just too numb from a bad trip.
So, in this blog I talk about how different kinds of foods can make you feel good and bad in ways that don’t really matter. Sometimes I talk about drugs, especially coffee, which I consider to be a very bad drug. I talk about when I felt like I was being really really really good in the beginning of my addiction, but then I would go back and down right awful.
I really feel like there are some foods that can make you feel good in an unhealthy way, and some that make you feel bad in an unhealthy way, but thats really hard to say. One thing I have found is that when I eat something that makes me feel good, I am more likely to stick to it for quite a while, whereas when I eat something that makes me feel bad I am even more likely to run away.
I went through a phase of the same thing when I first started abusing drugs. I could go months without food, but I would go weeks without food and run out of the house. I would get really really really hungry and eat too much and feel really really terrible, but I was also really really good at hiding it. I would feel like a complete fraud, and it was hard to tell whether I was actually doing it for the right reasons or the wrong reasons.
That’s the same thing with drugs. They can either really help you achieve a goal or they can be a crutch for you to fall back on. I had to be careful when I was first starting to use drugs that I wasn’t taking it for the wrong reasons. I had to be careful not to take drugs for one thing: they made me feel really shitty, and not only did that make me feel shitty I also felt really shitty about myself.
I don’t know if anyone else has mentioned this, but there’s a lot of people who don’t really understand how drugs affect us and we have to be careful about what we put into our bodies. But the way drugs affect us isn’t always what we think it is. I was thinking about my grandfather when I was talking with a friend about drugs. He was in his early 80’s and he had a lot to do with the whole drug culture.
The best way I can describe it is that drugs make you feel like crap, but they also make you do the things you would do normally. So for example, say you want to go home. You might want to go home to see your family, or to eat your favorite food and drink your favorite drink. You might be on your way to your favorite store and you might be in the mood to buy a particular item.
That would be normal living. Say you want to go to work. You want to go to the mall, or to a coffee shop, or to a park, or to a movie. You might want to go to your friends’ house, or to a club. You might even want to go to your favorite place to play. That would be normal living.
But if you want to go to work, you need to be somewhere. A job is a place where you work. A store is a place you work. A coffee shop is a place you work. A mall is a place where you work. A movie theater is a place where you work. That’s what normal living is.