A handstand is one of the few things that we do on a regular basis. But if you’re like me, you’ve probably had a handstand once or twice in your life and didn’t do anything about it.
If we told you what to do, the thing you should do is ask someone else to do it for you. Its not rocket science.
I have a big handstand. I always use it to get my coffee and my car keys from the passenger seat and sometimes I use it to stand up. I don’t do it to get out of a car because that would be an even worse handstand. But just for the hell of it I’ll stand up if I see a car coming at me. I have an even better handstand than I do coffee.
How about you ask a taxi driver to get you to the airport if you get in an accident. That would be an even better handstand. It takes a lot of force to stand up using just one finger.
Yeah, that’s what I’m talking about. It takes a lot of force. With one finger you can pull the car up off the ground and it’ll still be in your peripheral vision. But with two fingers you can lean back and let gravity do the work for you. Just like you’re just a little bit taller than the car, you can do your own balancing act.
Ok, so youre not thinking like a regular person. Youre not thinking like a person who is used to standing up from the ground. Youre not thinking like a person who is used to having to use two feet. Thats kind of weird. But thats what hes like. Its not a bad thing that hes a little bit wobbly. Its just that hes not a regular person.
So what youre doing is just like what people used to do when they sat on a couch. Youre using your two hands, your two feet, to hold yourself upright like youre holding a chair. But youre doing it like an amputee. This is the exact motion that youre used to doing if youre standing on two feet and holding yourself up.
As we all know, amputees rely on this motion, and they get pretty shaky doing it.
This is why I think there are a ton of people that use a stand instead of a chair. I think that the reason why people who have disabilities, like amputees, are so prone to making mistakes like that is because we all have a bit of wobbly-ness built into our normal day-to-day movements.
The wobbly-ness of standing on two feet is actually one of the easiest methods for amputees to get it right. Because we can stand on our own two feet, we are less likely to get it wrong if we dont get that wrong first. So if you can do it with nothing but a chair, you can probably do it with nothing but a stand.
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