I do this all the time. I take my cereal out of the bowl, run my fingers through the cereal, and it’s gone. No matter how hard I try to eat it, it’s gone. I blame the milk.
This is something that, for me, has become a bit of a problem. I do like to eat cereal and drink milk. I’ve tried to get up the nerve to try it without it, and I’ve had no luck. The only thing that has worked for me is to just make sure I eat the cereal when it’s not in the bowl.
This is a really common issue. Some people just eat cereal all the time without a spoon, and then just get bored and go for the bowl. And if you don’t have a spoon, you are doomed to a life of cereal deprivation. The main reason for this is that most cereal is served in bowls. The bowl is the most logical place to put cereal, and a bowl does not have the same nutritional value as a spoon.
The other reason is that cereal has a lot of fiber in it. If you have a bowl you have a lot of fiber that you can use to get nutrients without having to eat a spoon.
The problem with cereal is that it is usually served without milk, which is the only way to get fiber. For example, if you order a bowl of cereal you will see on the menu that it contains milk and that is a great place to get fiber.
The problem is that most people eat cereal without milk. And while it might be good to get full fiber from a bowl of cereal, it is easier to find a spoon and eat a spoonful of cereal than it is to eat a bowl of cereal. Most people eat cereal without milk because they like it.
But that means that cereal is basically useless without milk. And that’s why the only way we can get fiber in cereal is by avoiding milk altogether. Which is what the cereal makers want us to do.
In order to prevent milk from being used as a filler cereal, the cereal makers require that you put milk in the cereal (and in the box) to make sure that you can actually eat the cereal. To make it easier for you to put milk in the cereal you have to make the cereal less milkish by adding milk. In other words, you need to be able to eat the cereal without milk.
Not only that but the cereal makers also want you to have to have a specific taste in order for you to be able to eat the cereal, so they want you to be able to eat the cereal without milk. So for example, Cereal Pudding is milk-less and Cereal Milk is milk-containing, but we’re not supposed to have to drink the cereal just because we can.
This is where a really good cereal comes in handy. You could make a cereal that tastes like a milk-less cereal but would still be able to be eaten without milk. Cereal Pudding, for example. You could also make a more cereal-y cereal that tastes like a milk-containing cereal but wouldn’t need to have the milk in it for you to eat it. Cereal Milk would still be able to be eaten without milk.