It is true that 90 degrees is not a straight line, but it can be a good thing. The key is taking these 30 little steps to get your shoulders to be as relaxed and comfortable as possible.
If you’re a woman, it can be a challenge because you’re going to need to relax your back and shoulders while wearing a dress that’s not too short.
To help ease this pain, try holding a mirror up to your back, or at least a mirror with your arms. That will help relax your shoulders and back. Another great trick is to try to imagine that your arms are a very long string of rope. Its as if youre holding a big, heavy object in each hand, and then imagining that its a very long string of rope. Then imagine that your arms are attached to the rope in this manner.
Its like those plastic-wrapped Christmas tree lights, only you can’t let go because you have too many.
If you feel your shoulders tense up when you try this, its because you are not holding the object correctly. Once you get the hang of it, you will find that if you hold the object in your hands, you will find that it is easier to relax your shoulders and back.
Hold the object vertically in your hands or bring it in front of your body. Then imagine that your arms are attached to the object in this manner. Its like those plastic-wrapped Christmas tree lights, only you cant let go because you have too many. If you feel your shoulders tense up when you try this, its because you are not holding the object correctly.
This trick works a lot better if you are holding the object in the middle of your body, so that your arms are able to support it. If you are holding the object on the side, try holding it with your palms facing you.
If you’re looking for a more natural, hands-free version of this, try holding the object on your forearm instead. You may be able to adjust your arms so that they are closer to the object, and you will feel less tense.
Try this trick yourself because it seems to be a universal one.
I know it sounds a little weird, but try it! So many people have shoulder pain from a certain position, like holding an object or holding a book, that they can’t even imagine what it’s like to hold their own. There are several options for how to get your shoulders to hold an object, and there are two benefits of holding an object in the middle of your body instead of the side.