For me, this is what you don’t want. I’m not talking about going to the gym for 30 minutes before working out. I mean your heart rate will go up to a point – the “pump” – and you won’t even feel it. Well, that’s it. You’re done. You’re dead. You’re done. You’re finished. That’s it.
You get the point. My wife and I like to do HIIT in the morning and then go to the gym for 15 minutes afterwards, but we both knew that for most people, the gym is just a quick way to get rid of the extra water weight you need to do this workout. My wife has been known to do a couple of HIITs in the morning before her workout and I have done a couple in the afternoon.
But hey, at least youre doing something! It’s the beginning of your cardio training and it shows. By the way, if you’re doing a couple of HIITs in the morning you might as well try something a little more challenging in the afternoon.
If youre doing a couple of HIITs in the morning you might as well try something a little more challenging in the afternoon.
HIITs are a good thing, right? (Well, they are if you are doing intense cardio, like sprinting or lifting. But most people don’t) I personally enjoy HIITs and the results seem to be quite good, but it shouldn’t be done before a workout. Because when you do a hard workout, you probably don’t want to be doing it later.
After you finish a hard workout you dont want to be doing it later. You feel the strain and you might even want to go to the gym (or take a break), but after you finish a hard workout you dont want to be doing it later.
If you lift heavy or sprint hard you will definitely feel the strain and you should do it a few minutes after your workout. Pre-workouts arent really part of HIIT, so they shouldnt really be done before a workout anyways.
I agree, but I can’t tell you how often I’ve found myself in the gym after a hard workout. That’s because I hate to be sore and I’m generally a bit more tired than I want to be. But even if you are feeling the strain, it’s a good idea to go for a walk after your workout. Take the energy out of your muscles and mind and you’ll feel less tired.
I do the same thing, and I have found it helps me with my workouts as well. I walk around or go to the gym and just relax and breathe for a while. Youve got to break it down to the simplest things to do and youll be surprised how good it makes you feel.
You can also go for a walk and do it in places where you dont have to do any exercise. I use to do this with my trainer at the gym. I would walk around outside with a tennis ball or a ball in my hand. I would just bounce it on my head until I was breathless and tired.