Kabob kings are like the kids at the zoo and the kids at the playground. They can be the best, but they can’t be the worst. You can’t just eat or drink or eat whatever you want. That’s the way it works.
In other words, kabob kings are just like the kids at the park. While the kabob kings may be the best, it’s their actions that set them apart from the rest. So when i see someone eating kabob and when I hear someone say they’re “messing with my food”, it’s because they’re doing something that is so utterly insane they’re completely beyond reason.
Kabob kings are basically the best thing to ever happen to food trucks and kids. They’re the kind of food trucks and kids that can be like the best of the best, but cant be the worst of the worst. It’s when you eat the kabob that you become the worst and the best at the same time. The kabob is so good that you even forget youre eating it.
What are kabob kings? Theyre a food truck with a small fridge that is completely open to the outside to take in whatever they want. It is literally like being the kid that comes to visit your mom for dinner and wants everything all to themselves. Youve gotta have kabob kings.
A food truck. A food truck. A food truck. A food truck.
I guess the only way to be the worst at a food truck is to actually be the best at it. So when youre eating your kabob out of the fridge, its like youre the kid that comes to visit your mom for dinner and wants everything all to themselves.
The food truck is a brilliant idea, even the owner. You never know what he will get up to at a kabob. So this week we got a sneak peek at the truck’s menu, which is pretty much everything. There are tons of dishes, from fried chicken to mac & cheese to pizza to sandwiches to lasagna. The only thing missing: beer.
You can get kabob for $5 on the menu, but there is a $5 side of fries, which is almost like a $15 deal.
The food truck business is booming in Portland, so it only makes sense that you could get kabobs at the same time. And boy, do I have a treat for you. The food truck is called The Kabob King, and that means it is owned and operated by the owner of the restaurant where we met him. I got him to spill a little about his love of kabob, and you can check out the menu in the link over here.
So you know what you can get for $6.50? The kabob kings is the first food truck to get a 5-for-5 deal. That’s right, get 5 kabobs and only have to pay $6.50 for it. I’ve always liked kabobs, but I’m not so keen on the fact that there are only 5 of them.