I was a little hesitant to ask leslie sansone about her blog, but since it is her first one, I figured that since she would be my first interview, I should ask her about it first. She graciously answered both my questions, and she even offered to answer some questions in advance of my interview. I am so happy that I asked her and am eager to see more posts from her soon.
I asked her why she had chosen to create a blog, and she said that even though it’s her first one, she’s not a traditional blogger and that she’s more interested in “going down the rabbit hole” of blogging. I think this is a great way to go, and I’m looking forward to her new posts.
I think its interesting that you ask whether or not she is a blogger. The answer is that she is not. She is not a traditional blogger. She is more interested in going down the rabbit hole of blogging. She is not a blogger, period. You can ask her about that, but I think it is also a great thing for her to be creating a blog.
While I agree with the basic premise of this blog, I don’t follow it enough to know if she is a blogger or not. I read her blog and I have only a limited amount of time in which I feel comfortable talking about it. I am also not a fan of her blog. It is pretty cliche to say that I like the writing of this blog, but I dont like that it is cliche. I dont like that she is not a traditional blogger.
I am not a fan of the way she writes, but I think it is great that she is writing it. She is writing well, and she is trying to do something new with the blog. I have found that most bloggers are trying to do things that are a little different but they dont really care as much as they should.
I think it is great that she is writing about it. I find that I am not a fan of the cliche nature of this blog. I am not the type of person who likes to be told what to write about. I like to experiment with new things. I want to see what happens when I write about something that is different from what I normally write about. I am not a fan of her writing style, nor am I a fan of the fact that she is a blogger.
I have always enjoyed her writing style, and this is one of the things, that you could say she has created that is a little different than other blogs. I like her writing style. I like to give her my two cents about it.
I like to think that she is a little bit more thoughtful than a lot of bloggers out there, but maybe not as thoughtful as she thinks she is. I think the difference in our minds is that she is probably more interested in being a little bit controversial than being a little bit more moderate. I find that she is a little bit too interested in being a little bit controversial, which I think is the exact opposite of what we are looking for. I think she is too concerned with being controversial.
Well, I don’t think we are looking for that.
I think the most important thing is to be nice. If that means being a little bit controversial, great. I think the problem is that being a little bit controversial is not a bad thing. The problem is that being a little bit controversial is actually a great thing. Too many bloggers are going to be controversial for no apparent reason. We want to be a little bit controversial people, which means we want to be nice people.