I just purchased a merrick limited ingredient dog food and was really excited to try it! I wanted a quality food that wasn’t so high in the sodium content that it would make my dog tired and cranky. When I first tried this, I wasn’t too impressed. The food had a lot of sodium and I had to go back to the store to add more.
The only problem I had with Merrick’s Limited Ingredient Dog food was when I took him for a walk. At first, the food seemed to do the job but after a while, he got so cranky and tired that he wouldnt even go to the door to let me come in. He was so tired, that I had to carry him in the house by hand.
Merricks limited ingredient dog food is supposedly a new dog food that contains no more than 1.6 milligrams of sodium per serving. This is a big step up from the 1.5 milligrams found in other dog food, and is a much healthier choice. The dog food is also high in antioxidants and B vitamins, which have shown to have positive effects on dogs’ liver. So I guess that means the dog food is not only good for my dog, but for me too.
At least if you decide to give it a try, you won’t have to go to a store to pick up the dog food either. Merrick Limited’s website states that you can order the dog food for delivery right to your door, but it’s not clear if your dog will get the same nutrition as you. To answer your question, yes, the dog food will be nutritious and high in the dog’s preferred dog food. If you’re not convinced, just try it.
Well, that’s it for this week. Please do check out our website and then share your thoughts and opinions in the comments section. We love to hear from you and hope we can learn something from all of you.
Do check out our website and let us know what you think. We love to hear from you and would love to hear your thoughts and opinions.
You can always reach merrick directly at [email protected]. His Twitter is [email protected].
For more information on merrick, please visit merrick.com.
merrick.com is the website for merrick’s limited and merrick’s dog food company.
Merrick, Merrick Limited, and Merrick Dog Food are all owned and operated by merrick.merrick.com. We are an authorized dealer of merrick limited dog food in the United States and Canada and merrick limited in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. We are also authorized to sell merrick limited dog food in the other territories where merrick limited is currently authorized. We do not sell dog food or products for dogs.