My friend, Jessica (one of our Pelotonistas) is pregnant and is expecting. It seems like a lot of the women that run the peloton are expecting now. This is a great time to take the plunge and be pregnant.
I know some of you have been asking yourself “So I’m going to be running with a peloton full of pregnant women?” Well, the good news is that your pregnancy will have no effect on your running, which is one of the major benefits of being pregnant. In a recent survey by the International Association of Athletic Trainers, the majority of respondents said they were running for their health, not just their fitness.
The best news? You can be pregnant and still be running, but you’ll be getting plenty of rest. The majority of runners also say they’re already training for the birth of their baby.
The benefits of being pregnant run far deeper than just the health benefits. Women who are pregnant are more likely to eat well, get exercise, and reduce their stress levels, which translates into a much, much better chance of giving birth (to be honest, I have a few more things I’d like to tell you about the benefits of being pregnant, but that will have to wait for another day). The downside to being pregnant? The stress level is higher on the list.
Yes, it’s true. It’s true. It’s true. It’s true. It’s true. It’s true. It’s true. It’s true. It’s true. It’s true. It’s true. It’s true. It’s true. It’s true. It’s true. It’s true.
Yes, our little baby is now 1.5 weeks old, and yes, we are pregnant. It is true. Its true. Its true. Its true. Its true. Its true. Its true. Its true. Its true. Its true. Its true. Its true. Its true. Its true. Its true. Its true. Its true. Its true. Its true. Its true. Its true. Its true.
The stress level is significantly higher.The stress level is significantly higher.The stress level is significantly higher.The stress level is significantly higher.The stress level is significantly higher.The stress level is significantly higher.The stress level is significantly higher.The stress level is significantly higher.The stress level is significantly higher.The stress level is significantly higher.The stress level is significantly higher.The stress level is significantly higher.The stress level is significantly higher.The stress level is significantly higher.
These are the words our favorite cycling coach says to us when we’re about to go on a training ride. It’s a little tongue-in-cheek, but is totally true. It’s a nice reminder to us that when we need to be the first to move, we should be the last to stop.
Stress, or the feeling of stress, is the number one problem that people encounter when they are training for a race. Its also the number one reason why people get injured. We all know this, and that is why we want you to know that just because you’re getting on a good training ride, doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t also have a good rest day.
Stress is a universal symptom of physical stress. It’s also a universal symptom of emotional stress. We all have stress on a daily basis, and a rest day (or two) after a tough training ride is a great time to catch our breath. The good news is that the two of you will never have to be on a training ride together again, because it will be all day, all the time.