I never leave home without my peyton list workout. This is one of my favorite workouts, and one of the most rewarding workouts as well, without a doubt.
Peyton lists, “list” workouts are those in which you have to look at and note down every single item that is mentioned in a fitness routine. Like, all the steps in the workout, the moves, the reps, the sets, the timing, the pace, the volume, etc., etc. It’s pretty intense, and there’s a lot of mental work involved, but it’s an incredibly fun workout.
There are a lot of different types of list exercises, but one of the most popular is the one we use: List exercises are those in which you have to look at and note down every single item that is mentioned. Like, all the steps in the workout, the moves, the reps, the sets, the timing, the pace, the volume, etc., etc. This is a very intense workout, but one of the most rewarding workouts as well.
List exercises are the most common workout variation used on the Internet, so it’s no wonder they are a common workout. However, the people who love them the most are the people who use them, because even though they’re a little intense and difficult, they’re also very fun and easy to learn. Not to mention, you get to work out with other people.
The list is just one of those things that I can’t get enough of. I don’t think anyone should workout to get fit, but once you get used to a certain fitness level, it becomes easier and easier to use them. If you can push yourself but don’t want to push yourself too hard, then you can skip a few sets or work out in rounds, just to get your heart rate up. You’ll also get to workout with people who are just as fit as you are.
I recently started an exercise program and was just amazed at how much I got. I was able to do some cool stuff like dance a couple hours a day, or do some crazy yoga stretches and get my heartrate up. Not to mention I get to work with the people I like to workout with, and I can get to see cool videos of the people I love. I think what is awesome in that is how you can be able to make yourself fit and then do it with other people.
And since I’m not exactly at my ideal weight anymore, it’s awesome to know I’m not the only one who gets to workout with people who are just as fit as you are. You get to work with the people who are just as fit as you are. We like to say that “people like us” workout together, so that is a real compliment to you.
So this is a new workout. I think the coolest thing about it is that it is not on a track. It is not like a race. It is a race held between two people on their bikes. So the idea of this workout is that you have two people who are both at their optimal body weight, and they are both on their bikes. The bikes are attached to each other, and you get to push one of them while holding onto the other’s back.
This is a workout that has been around for a while. I remember when I was a kid and we used to do this on the playground of my elementary school. It’s still a workout that I do when I’m bored, since it is not a race.
Not that I can think of any reason to stop doing it, it just kind of feels good. Like I have a bunch of power for once.