I had a recent dilemma with my bike fitting. My body is one big fat, knobby, and flat disk, and I know I can’t fit a full-sized bike into a smaller frame.
To make matters worse, my bike has a very flat, narrow frame, which is also what makes it impossible to fit a full-sized bike into my frame.
The solution? Use a bike fitting that can fit your frame and your body. I’ve seen them at bike stores, and I swear they’re like the best thing since sliced bread. If I can even find one.
I was happy to hear that theyre offering a bike fitting service in our area. They have a site, bikefitinc.com, that has a whole bunch of different bikes, all fitted to your frame by a professional. I think they may also offer other things like bike seat and frame repairs.
To take you back to our discussion about self-awareness, the idea of a time loop is one of those ideas that was always a little more than just a thought. I think this is because we tend to make a lot of internal mental loops, with our thoughts, actions, and reactions to things that are outside of ourselves. As a result, we often forget that we are part of that loop too.
Yeah, it’s important for us to have a little self-awareness too. We need to remember that the actions we take are not just what they appear to be. We can learn to use our own internal loops to help us make better decisions. For example, if you ask someone who was a teacher, they might recall that the teacher taught them how to learn. If you ask them again, they might recall that the teacher taught them to hate themselves.
This is really important for any sort of self-awareness. We can learn to use our own internal loops to help us make better decisions. For example, if you ask someone who was a teacher, they might recall that the teacher taught them how to learn. If you ask them again, they might recall that the teacher taught them to hate themselves.
And if you ask them again, they might remember the teacher was also a teacher, and that they hated themselves because they were taught that way. We all know that we all hate ourselves. We all hate our own decisions, our own behaviors. We all hate ourselves for being human. We all hate ourselves for being alive. And we all hate ourselves for being who we are.
It’s all too much. Let’s go for a ride.
Just when you think you have it bad, we come along and remind you that you’re not alone. The human experience is full of pain and suffering and sorrow. It is filled with the desire to find true peace and happiness, but we end up living the life we have instead.