We are all well aware that there is a huge difference between family food stores and the rest. I’m here to tell you that there is a fine line between family food stores and family food mart, and that the vast majority of stores that provide family food to their customers are family food stores.
I know. That’s a good point, but if you’re going to take a store out for family food, you’re going to have to be able to do it in such a way that it’s family food, and not just food. Otherwise, you’ll feel like a bunch of dorks.
In the past, the family-friendly store often had a small section for the family, but now, you can find them in a bigger place where they will cater to families with kids in mind. I know, I know. Thats what I said when I was a kid, but it still rings true with kids these days.
I agree. There are just a lot more people that are more open to supporting your family with their money, and they may not even have children, so they may not want to support your family with their money. In this case, we have a family-friendly, but not family-friendly store, so it makes sense to us to sell some of our childrens’ food, as well as their own, in the store.
Family-friendly is not the best way to sell food. In fact, it could make the food sales worse, as it could potentially put off people that do need to eat, but just want to be able to get the food to their car without standing in line. This way we can do what we want with the money we make, and not have people be upset with us for not giving them their own food.
If you’re going to sell food, why sell it to a family-friendly store? Because it’s not fun. Because the owner would probably never be bothered with a line. Because he or she wants you to be able to do what you want with your food. Because to us, food is food.
I think most people don’t realize that what you sell to a family-friendly location is going to be pretty much identical to what you sell to a family-friendly food store. I’m not sure what their reasoning is, but I’m pretty sure if your food is made from scratch and has labels on it you’re going to have to pay more for it.
We all want to eat what we want to eat. And when we eat out, we want to eat what we want to eat. And when we go and buy a family-friendly product or service, we want to eat what we want to eat. But the way we buy and eat out is completely different than the way we buy and eat in a family-friendly environment. So it’s understandable that when we buy what we’re thinking is family-friendly we just want to eat it.
Of course there are many reasons why you would want to eat what you want to eat. But the main reason to not buy a family-friendly product or service is because it may not be family-friendly. It could be anything. Like, if I buy my family-friendly dish at the grocery store it could be something like a fish stick. A fish stick that my daughter can eat, but I cant. So yeah, its not a family-friendly product or service.
With that said, there are many types of families. Some of us are the typical family of one, and we don’t want to eat or drink the same things as the rest of the family. But there are others, like the family of two where you drink beer and eat junk food with your family. And if you eat a lot of junk food, you don’t want to eat a family-friendly dish just because it’s a family-friendly dish.