What do you mean, inovity discounts? I thought I was a self-aware person. What does that even mean? And how can it possibly apply to my life? I don’t want to give myself a self-esteem boost, but I do want to learn to see the world around me in a whole new way.
Inovity actually makes it easier to spot and learn about other self-aware people because you don’t have to think critically about whether you are or not a self-aware person. You actually are a self-aware person. That’s okay by me.
Inovity itself is actually a social network, which makes it perfect for learning more about the general population. When you look at the people you see in the Inovity database, you can quickly determine whether they self-aware or not. You can also learn a lot about self-awareness by looking at how many people in Inovity are self-aware.
Inovity has this nifty feature called “Self-awareness Score,” which allows you to see how many other self-aware people you know. So, if you’re a new player in Inovity, you might want to keep an eye out for other self-aware people you know.
The Self-aware-score of a population is calculated by adding up the scores of all its members, and dividing by the population size. This helps to give you a sense of the population’s self-awareness. The Self-aware Score of Inovity is 43, meaning that 43 people are self-aware of themselves.
It’s not too late to join Inovity, which will let you know the scores of other players of Inovity. If you’ve never played Inovity, you might want to check out Inovity’s web site, join in online, and then go out and find other self-aware people you know.
The other cool thing about Inovity is that the more self-aware people you find, the more it will bring you. If you have a score of 10 or lower, you might want to join the Inovity Community, which lets you talk about all the things that make up your self-awareness. One thing that’s particularly useful for this is the Inovity Self-Awareness Journal.
At the heart of Inovity is their “solution to the self-awareness problem.” It’s called Inovity and it’s basically a method for getting people to stop talking about themselves and start talking about other people.
Inovity’s app is completely free and available for both iOS and Android. The best part is that it uses AI to determine the best way to approach people. The app makes it easy to get a quick rundown on the most interesting people you’ve ever met.
The Inovity app was the basis of a documentary called “The Next Self-Awareness” which was shown at TED in 2011. If you haven’t seen it yet, you can see it here.